Upgrade to a Subscription Upgrading to a subscription is quick and easy. Watch a Video Upgrade to a Subscription To u…
Manage Evergreen Retainers With our Low Retainer Reminder tool, you can track low retainer balances, also known as ev…
Include a Client Statement with Invoices When invoicing clients, you can include a cover page, or Client Statement, to accompany y…
Create an MS Word Merge Template (Document Assembly) You can create document templates in Microsoft Word using our merge fields database. Thi…
User Newsletter – February 2020 What’s New CosmoLex 6.4 Release In early February, CosmoLex released version 6.4…
Record an Invoice Payment by Operating Retainer If your jurisdiction allows, you can deposit a retainer in your operating account and pay…
Integrating LawPay CosmoLex provides payment processing service with CosmoLexPay (U.S.) as well as our Law…
How the Data Migration Process Works Data Migration requires careful coordination as migration needs and data differ from fi…
Migrate Your Data Data Migration requires careful coordination as migration needs and data differ from fi…
Add a Trust Withdrawal Transaction Navigation There are a few areas in which you can add a trust withdrawal: From the main matt…
Manage Matter Costs (Disbursements) CosmoLex organizes matter expenses into two distinct categories: hard costs and soft co…
Use the Firm Dashboard Your dashboards are the first thing you see when you log in to your CosmoLex account. Your a…
Review Your Accounting Settings Tab You must review your accounting settings prior to using CosmoLex to ensure your accounti…
Manage Your Bank Accounts The Accounting area’s Bank section allows you to track your firm’s transac…
Manage Timekeepers A timekeeper is the person who is assigned to a particular time or expense entry. When addi…
Manage Matter Owners When adding a User, the system will also add this individual as a Matter Owner. In the Add Us…
Manage Your Matters Matters are the software’s building blocks, allowing you to create timecards, ex…
Use the Me Dashboard Your dashboards are the first thing you see when you log in to your CosmoLex account. Your a…