Manage Your Matters Matters are the software’s building blocks, allowing you to create timecards, ex…
Matter Settings The Settings section provides the opportunity to specify a greater level of detail relat…
Configuring an Ethical Wall To protect your client from a conflict of interest, you can use the CosmoLex ethical wall f…
Make a Matter Inactive You can make a matter inactive to archive it. Make a Matter Inactive To make a matter inacti…
Edit the Matter Summary Screen The Matter Summary screen is like the dashboard but on a matter level. It displays client m…
Manage Your Client and Address Book Contacts The Contacts area allows you to manage your Client, Payee, and Address Book contacts. You…
Import Your Contacts You can import your contacts to save time and effort. Import Your Contacts To import your…
Assign a Matter Billing Contact By default, the billing contact on a matter is the associated client. For situations wher…
Export a Contacts Backup File You can export your contacts for reporting purposes, as a backup, or for import into a CRM o…
Manage Client Relations Adding relations to matters and contacts supports the conflict check feature and helps w…
Access the Global Add Shortcuts The Global Add Shortcuts drop-down offers convenient access to common activities from a…
Run a Conflict Check You can check for conflicts of interest between clients and contacts from various matter…
Use the Job List When you complete certain bulk actions such as printing multiple invoices, the option di…
Using Zapier with CosmoLex You can utilize Zapier, a web automation service to create workflow integrations with 40…
Converting a CRM Lead into a Matter When creating a matter in CosmoLex using the CRM integration, you can import: Clients Ma…
Set Up Matter Level Fee Allocations You can override the default timekeeper fee allocations and set up other party fee alloca…
Set Up Split Billing Sometimes multiple parties share the responsibility of making the payment for one matte…