You can utilize Zapier, a web automation service to create workflow integrations with 4000+ applications. Zapier allows you to create “Zaps” or connections between two or more applications using a trigger step and one or more action steps. When you turn your Zap on, it will run your workflow automatically.
Integrate Zapier with CosmoLex
- Log in to your Zapier account.
- From the top menu bar, navigate to My Apps.
- Now click on Connect a new account and search for CosmoLex.
- Use your credentials to connect your CosmoLex account to Zapier.
- Once that’s done you can start creating an automation.
To Create a Workflow in Zapier
A workflow automation is called a Zap in Zapier. Learn how to create a zap.
Below is the current list of available triggers and actions. We will be growing this list with the help of our users. Please submit your suggestions here.
Users employing Zapier with their CosmoLex account can apply these and more “out of the box” workflows.