Record a Payroll Journal Entry

The easiest way to record payroll in CosmoLex is to use the journal entry feature. You can export the GL entry from your payroll processing system and import it into to CosmoLex, or manually enter it.

If you are on a cash basis, you also have the option to enter payroll into your system without creating a journal entry. 


Entering payroll is a complex bookkeeping function. We recommend you work with your bookkeeper or accountant to ensure you choose the appropriate method for your firm.

Manually Record a Payroll Journal Entry

To manually record a payroll journal entry:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Accounting.
  2. From the Accounting left navigation, click Journal Entries.
  3. From the toolbar atop the Journal Entries screen, click Add.
  4. On the Add Journal Entry screen in the Entry field, enter a reference number or phrase for the entry.
  5. From the Date drop-down field, click the date.
  6. Use the drop-down and entry fields to enter each line item’s account, debit or credit, name, memo, and class, if applicable, per your bookkeeper’s or accountant’s direction.


    The total debits must equal the total credits before you continue.

  7. In the lower right corner, click Save.

Important Notes

  • CosmoLex allows you to use the 2400 Payroll Liabilities GL account for the employer expenses, withholding, and deductions line items.
  • You would then use the 2400 Payroll Liabilities GL account when remitting the employer expenses, withholding, and deductions to the tax agency, benefits administrator, etc.
  • Have your bookkeeper or accountant confirm the 2400 Payroll Liabilities GL account is appropriate for you to use. 

Record Payroll Without a Journal Entry (Cash Basis Only)


Confirm with you bookkeeper or accountant that this method is appropriate for your firm to use.

To record payroll without a journal entry for a firm operating on a cash basis:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Accounting.
  2. Atop the Accounting left navigation, click Bank.
  3. From the Bank screen, either double-click the bank, or single-click it to highlight it, then from the toolbar, click Details.
  4. Atop the Banks left navigation, click Transaction.
  5. From the toolbar atop the Transactions screen, click Add > Withdrawal.
  6. In the Add Transactions screen, complete all the fields.

    Add Transaction Screen Fields

    Bank This will default to the bank from which you are withdrawing the funds.
    Date From the drop-down, click the withdrawal date.
    Amount Enter the withdrawal amount.
    Integrated Payments

    If using CosmoLexPay(US),  CosmoLexPay (Canada) or LawPay, you will see this option. If you wish to process this withdrawal using your integration, check this box.

    Type From the drop-down, choose between Withdrawal and Adjustment Out.
    Ref # Enter a reference number, if desired.
    Method From the drop-down, select the withdrawal method.
    Pay To Enter who is receiving the amount.
    Address Complete the fields, if desired.
    Memo Complete the field either by typing or choosing from the drop-down.
    Memo2 Enter the information you want to record for internal record keeping only.
    Split Section From atop the split section, click Add and enter the Account (e.g. 6475 Salary and Benefits, 2400 Payroll Liabilities etc.) and Amount.
    Remember Payee Check the box if you would like to add this payee to your address book. If you do not wish to remember, leave the box unchecked. 
  7. Once you have completed the fields, take the appropriate action:

      • Click Cancel to exit the screen without saving the transaction.
      • Click Save and New to save this trust transaction and enter another withdrawal.
      • Click Save to save this trust transaction and return to the Transactions screen.

    If you clicked Save or Save and New, the system adds the trust transaction and associates it with its designated matter.

    If you marked this as a check to be printed, it has been added to your check print queue. you can choose to print this check now, or later on.

Important Notes

  • CosmoLex allows you to enter the gross salary/wages amount in the debit column and enter withholding and payroll deductions as credits.
  • The total debits less the total credits must equal the check amount for the system to save the split.
  • The system permits you to use the 2400 Payroll Liabilities GL account for the withholding and deductions credit line items.
  • Use the 2400 Payroll Liabilities GL account when remitting the withholding and deductions to the tax agency, the benefits administrator, etc.
  • Have your bookkeeper or accountant confirm the 2400 Payroll Liabilities GL account is appropriate for you to use.
  • Employer payroll expenses associated with the paycheck are not addressed through this method.

Import a Payroll Journal Entry

To import a payroll journal entry:

  1. Download the payroll journal entry from your payroll processing website.
  2. Download the financial data import file
  3. Copy your downloaded journal entry into the import file’s Journal Entry worksheet and save it.
  4. In the upper right corner of CosmoLex, click the Shortcuts (plus sign) > Other > Import Data.
    The Import CosmoLex Data screen opens, prompting you to Please select your operation
  5. Click the radio button beside Import Journal Entry.
  6. In the lower right corner, click Continue.
    The screen prompts you to Select the file you want to import
  7. Click Choose File.
    A browser box opens.
  8. Locate your payroll system’s journal entry export file on your system.
  9.  Either double-click the file, or single-click it to highlight it, and then click Open.
    The file name populated the Choose File field.
  10. In the lower right corner, click Upload.
    The screen displays the journal entry.
  11. Fix any errors, if applicable.
  12. Click Complete Import.
    The system completes the journal entry’s import.
Updated on August 24, 2023

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