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  5. Record an Invoice Payment by Trust Retainer

Record an Invoice Payment by Trust Retainer

You can pay invoices from your trust retainer in two places:

  • Matters (for a single matter)
  • Activities (for single and multiple matters)

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From Matters

To apply trust funds to one or more invoices for a single matter:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
  2. On the Matters screen, double-click the matter, or single-click it, then from the toolbar, click Details.
  3. From the Matters Details left navigation, click Billing.
  4. From the tabs atop the Billing screen, click Invoices.
  5. Beneath the toolbar on the Invoices screen, if the Applied Filters field does not display Status = Unpaid, use the Filter panel to select it.
  6. Single-click the invoice to which you want to apply a payment, highlighting it.
  7. From the toolbar, click Invoice Payment Using > Existing Trust Retainer
    The Invoice Payments from Existing Trust Retainers screen opens.

From Activities

You can apply trust funds to multiple matters and clients.

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Activities.
  2. From the Activities left navigation, click Invoices.
  3. Beneath the toolbar on the Invoices screen, if the Applied Filters field does not display Status = Unpaid, use the Filter panel to select it. 
  4. From the toolbar, click Invoice Payment Using > Existing Trust Retainer
    The Invoice Payments from Existing Trust Retainers screen opens. Here you will see all open invoices on Matters holding Trust funds.

Invoice Payments From Existing Trust Retainers Screen Fields and Descriptions

Fields Descriptions
Funds Drawn From  
Bank Name
  • From Matters:
    • The trust bank assigned to the matter will appear.
    • If you have assigned more than one trust bank to the matter, they will display within the drop-down menu. 
  • From Activities: Confirm the appropriate trust bank displays.
Date You can leave today’s date in place, or use the drop-down to click a different date. 
Pay To Your firm name will auto-populate. You can change this, if needed. 
Bank Balance Displays the trust account balance. 
Type Defaults to Withdrawal.
Method Use the drop-down to choose the method.
Ref # Enter a reference number, if desired.
  • Use the drop-down to add a memo to the payment(s), if desired.
  • Only the first 40 characters will be printed on the check.
  • Add another memo to the payment.
  • If you leave it blank, the system will automatically populate file# of different matters included in this transaction as a reference.
Funds Deposited To Use the Bank drop-down to click the appropriate bank. 
Summary Section

From Matters: When you select the invoice to which you have to apply funds, the system will automatically calculate the Applied Amount and Remaining Amount.

From Activities: The Applied Amount will reflect the total of Trust funds being moved for all invoice payments.

  • In the upper right corner, click Receive Payment.
    The Invoice Payment From New Client message box reads: Invoice payment has been applied.
  • Click OK.
    The Invoice screen updates with the new invoice balances.

Important to Know

  • You can click the Funds Applied To column headers to sort the columns.
  • When you select a matter from the list, the system applies its available trust funds to its unpaid balance if such funds exist.
  • As a default, payments apply to the oldest invoice first. Use the pencil icon to override this setting.
Updated on September 11, 2023

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