You can export your contacts for reporting purposes, as a backup, or for import into a CRM or contact management tool.
You can view your contact list under Contacts > Address Book.
Export a Custom Contact File
The screen toolbar export feature allows you to filter your contacts and export the custom report to a PDF, Excel, or CSV file format.
Export a Mass Backup File
You can export a mass contact file to a comma-separated or tab-separated format for backup purposes or for import into another tool.
To export a mass backup file:
- From the left navigation panel, click Contacts.
- From the Contacts left navigation, click Address Book.
- From the toolbar atop the Address Book screen, click Action > Export Contacts.
- On the Export Contacts window, from the Delimiter field’s drop-down, click your desired delimiter.
- Click Export.
The system downloads the file in your designated format to your designated location.