You can delete a timecard regardless of whether you have already billed for it.
If the timecard’s status is Unbilled, your firm has not billed for it.
If the timecard’s status is Billed, your firm has billed for it.
Timecard was not Billed
From Matters
To delete an Unbilled timecard:
- From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
- On the Matters screen, double-click the matter, or single-click the matter to highlight it, then in the toolbar atop the screen, click Details.
- From Matters Details left navigation, click Billing.
- From the tabs atop the Billing screen, click Time/Expense.
- On the Time/Expense screen, single-click the timecard you want to delete, highlighting it.
- From the toolbar atop the screen, click Delete.
The Delete Time/Expense message box displays: Are you sure you want to delete this card? - Click Yes.
The listing updates with the timecard’s deletion.
From Activities
To delete an Unbilled timecard:
- From the left navigation panel, click Activities.
- From the Activities left navigation, click Time/Expense.
- On the Time/Expense screen, single-click the timecard you want to delete, highlighting it.
- From the toolbar atop the screen, click Delete.
The Delete Time/Expense message box displays: Are you sure you want to delete this card? - Click Yes.
The listing updates with the timecard’s deletion.
Timecard was Billed
From Matters
To delete a Billed timecard:
- From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
- On the Matters screen, single-click the matter to highlight it, then from the toolbar atop the screen, click Edit.
- On the Edit Invoice screen, uncheck the box beside the timecard you want to delete, deselecting it.
- Click Generate.
The system generates the revised invoice. The timecard reverts to an Unbilled status and is ready for deletion. - Click Time/Expense.
- On the Time/Expense screen, single-click the timecard you want to delete, highlighting it.
- From the toolbar atop the screen, click Delete.
The Delete Time/Expense message box displays: Are you sure you want to delete this card? - Click Yes.
The listing updates with the timecard’s deletion.
From Activities
To delete a Billed timecard:
- From the left navigation panel, click Activities.
- From the Activities left navigation, click Invoices.
- On the Invoices screen, single-click the impacted invoice to highlight it, then from the toolbar atop the screen, click Edit.
- On the Edit Invoice screen, Uncheck the box to the far left of the timecard to deselect it.
- Click Generate.
The system generates the revised invoice. The timecard reverts to an Unbilled status and is ready for deletion. - Click Time/Expense.
- On the Time/Expense screen, single-click the timecard you want to delete, highlighting it.
- From the toolbar atop the screen, click Delete.
The Delete Time/Expense message box displays: Are you sure you want to delete this card? - Click Yes.
The listing updates with the timecard’s deletion.