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  5. Add a CosmoLex Accounting Partner (CAP) to Your Subscription

Add a CosmoLex Accounting Partner (CAP) to Your Subscription

The CosmoLex Accounting Partners (CAP) program provides your external/independent bookkeeper or accountant with complimentary system access to assist you with your accounting needs.


Throughout this article, the CAP acronym refers to your external/independent bookkeeper or accountant.

CosmoLex allows one CAP account per subscription.

Obtain a CAP License

To obtain a CAP license:

  1. You, or your CAP emails care@cosmolex.com requesting your CAP’s account access.
  2. Upon receipt of the email, CosmoLex contacts your CAP to verify their contact information and independent status.
  3. CosmoLex emails your firm to confirm your CAP’s access activation.


    To avoid incurring a charge, do not enter your CAP user prior to receiving the confirmation email.

  4. Once confirmed, your firm administrator can add your CAP as a User to your subscription using their access-activated email address, but a unique Login ID

    If you add this user using an email address other than the one provided for free account access, you will be subject to the usual user charge. Ignore any messaging regarding account charges if using the proper email.

    A unique Login ID is needed so that this CAP can be added to other law firm client accounts if needed. 

    For assistance setting up your Bookkeeper’s role, rights, and restrictions, contact our Support Team

    Add Your CAP as a User

    For additional information regarding adding your CAP to your subscription, see Add a User.

    Assign Appropriate User Role

    When you add your CAP user, you can also assign their role and permissions or customize their user role.

    User Already Exists

    As the firm administrator, you must delete the CAP, then re-invite them to your system.

    Be sure to:

    • Use their access-activated email as their email address.
    • Change the Login ID to something unique to your firm and easy to remember, like bookkeeper@xyzlawfirm. 

Updated on June 29, 2022

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