Hard cost expenses bridge Billing and Accounting, so you must delete them from the Accounting section.
Delete a Hard Cost
Unbilled Status
To delete an unbilled expense:
- From the left navigation panel, click Accounting.
- Atop the Accounting left navigation, click Bank.
- In the Bank screen, double-click the bank account or single-click it to highlight it, then from the toolbar atop the screen, click Edit.
The Edit Transaction screen opens. - Towards the lower half of the screen, you will see a list of entries associated with this transaction. Single click the entry to highlight it.
- From the tabs atop the section, click Delete.
- Your entry will be deleted. You can delete the entire transaction which will delete the expense associated with it or delete a specific entry.
- The Accounting screen updates. The system removed the transaction and its linked hard cost expense from your bank account and matter.
Billed Status
To unlink a billed expense:
- From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
- In the Matters screen, either double-click the matter, or single click it to highlight it, then click Details.
- From the Matter Details left navigation, click Billing.
- From the tabs atop the Billing screen, click Invoice.
The Invoice screen opens, displaying a toolbar atop the screen. - Locate the invoice containing the expense card.
- Take the appropriate action:
- Unlink single expense from the invoice:
- Single-click the invoice.
- From the toolbar, click Delete.
The Delete Invoice message box reads: Are you sure you want to delete selected invoice? - Click Yes.
The Matter Details screen updates with the deletion.
- Unlink Multiple Expenses:
- Single-click the invoice.
- From the toolbar, click Edit.
- In the Edit Invoice screen, uncheck the boxes to the left of hard costs expenses you want to remove from the invoice.
- In the upper right corner, click Generate.
The Matter Details screen updates with your edits. - Atop the screen, click Time/Expense.
The Time/Expense screen opens. displaying a toolbar atop the screen and listing hard cost expenses associated with the matter. - Single-click the unbilled expense to highlight it.
- Click Delete.
The Delete Time/Expense message box reads: Are you sure you want to delete this card? - Click Yes.
The Time/Expense screen updates to reflect the deletion.
- Unlink single expense from the invoice:
- From the left navigation panel, click Accounting.
- Atop the Accounting left navigation, click Bank.
- In the Bank screen, double-click the bank account or single-click it to highlight it, then from the toolbar atop the screen, click Edit.
The Transaction screen opens, listing all account transactions. - Either double-click the transaction, or single-click it to highlight it, then from the toolbar, click Edit.
- On the Edit Transaction screen, scroll down to the list of expenses, check the box beside the expense you wish to unlink.
- From the tabs atop the section, click Delete.
- Click Save.
The system returns you to the Transaction screen. - Single-click the transaction again to highlight.
- From the toolbar, click Delete.