To add fields to your invoice templates, paste the field names listed below into the templates.
Learn how to Add or Remove Invoice Template Fields
Firm Fields
Field Name | Description |
[#FirmName#] | Firm Name |
[#FirmAddress#] | Firm Street Address |
[#FirmPhoneFax#] | Firm Phone/Fax |
[#WebSite#] | Firm Website |
Invoice Fields
Field Name | Description |
[#InvoicePaymentLink#] | Invoice Payment Link (invoices only) |
[#ClientId#] | Client’s ID # |
[#InvoiceDate#] | Invoice Date |
[#InvoiceNum#] | Invoice Number |
[#Matter#] | Matter Name |
[#MatterFileNum#] | Matter File No. |
[#MatterPONumber#] | Matter PO Number |
[#MatterOwnerName#] | Matter Owner (aka Responsible Lawyer) Name |
[#MatterOwnerSignature#] | Will display signature image on invoice templates that was uploaded on Edit Matter Owner page |
[#ClientInfo#] | Full client address block |
[#ClientInfo-Linked-Clients#] | Adds the primary contact and another party labeled client in the relations tab. |
[#ClientDisplayName#] | Will display client’s display name (Contacts > Clients > Click add > Display Name) |
[#ClientOriginalName#] | Will display client’s original name (Contacts > Clients > Click add > Original Name) |
[#ClientPrimaryAddress#] | Will include Primary Address for client which includes Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip. E.g. 123 W High St, Nashville, TN 38456 (Contacts > Clients > Click add > Primary Address) |
[#ClientPrimaryName#] | Will display client’s Primary name (Contacts > Clients > Click add > Primary Party Info > Primary Party Name) |
[#ClientSecondaryName#] | Will display client’s Secondary name (Contacts > Clients > Click add > Secondary Party Info > Secondary Party Name) |
[#ClientSecondaryPartyAddress#] | Will include Secondary Party Address for client which includes Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip. E.g. 123 W High St, Nashville, TN 38456 (Contacts > Clients > Click add > Add more parties > Secondary party info > Secondary party Address) |
[#DueDate#] | Invoice Due Date |
[#InvoiceDescription#] | Invoice Description |
[#PrintDate#] | Date invoice is being printed |
[#ProfSerItems#] |
[#ProfSerItems1#] |
[#ProfSerItems2#] |
[#ProfSerItems3#] |
[#ProfSerItems4#] |
[#ProfSerItems5#] |
[#ProfSerItems6#] |
[#ProfSerItems7#] | This field will include task/description for timecards linked to invoice in paragraph separated by semicolon (;) |
[#ProfSerItems8#] |
[#TableProfSerItems1#] |
[#HrsTotal#] | Total hours billed |
[#ProfChargeTotal#] | Total Professional Charges |
[#ProfChargeTotalLessDiscount#] | Total amount after discount is applied to the fees |
[#AddChargeItems#] |
[#AddChargeItems1#] |
[#AddChargeItems2#] |
[#AddChargeItems3#] |
[#AddChargeItems4#] |
[#AddHardCostItems#] | A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems#]” (6 Columns) but listing only Hard Cost Items. |
[#AddHardCostItems1#] | A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems1#]” (5 Columns) but listing only Hard Cost Items. |
[#AddHardCostItems2#] | A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems2#]” (4 Columns) but listing only Hard Cost Items. |
[#AddHardCostItems3#] | A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems3#]” (3 Columns) but listing only Hard Cost Items. |
[#AddHardCostItems4#] | A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems4#]” (2 Columns) but listing only Hard Cost Items. |
[#AddHardCostTaxableItems#] | Displays description and amount |
[#AddHardCostTaxableItems1#] | Displays date, details, quantity, and amount (4 Columns) |
[#AddHardCostTaxableItems3#] |
Provides date, details and amount for any hard cost created as taxable |
[#AddHardCostNonTaxableItems#] | Displays description and amount |
[#AddHardCostNonTaxableItems1#] | Displays date, details, quantity, and amount (4 Columns) |
[#AddHardCostNonTaxableItems3#] |
Provides dates, details and amount for any hard cost created as non-taxable |
[#AddSoftCostItems#] | A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems#]” (6 Columns) but listing only Soft Cost Items. |
[#AddSoftCostItems1#] | A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems1#]” (5 Columns) but listing only Soft Cost Items. |
[#AddSoftCostItems2#] | A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems2#]” (4 Columns) but listing only Soft Cost Items. |
[#AddSoftCostItems3#] | A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems3#]” (3 Columns) but listing only Soft Cost Items. |
[#AddSoftCostItems4#] | A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems4#]” (2 Columns) but listing only Soft Cost Items. |
[#AddSoftCostTaxableItems3#] | Provides date, details and amount for any soft cost created as taxable |
[#AddSoftCostNonTaxableItems3#] | Provides date, details and amount for any soft cost created as non-taxable |
[#AddChargeTotal#] | Total Additional Charges |
[#AddHardCostTotal#] | A variation from [#AddChargeTotal#] but which only totals items in [#AddHardCostItems#] |
[#AddSoftCostTotal#] | A variation from [#AddChargeTotal#] but which only totals items in [#AddSoftCostItems#] |
[#TotalAmountWithoutTax#] | Displays total invoice amount without taxes |
[#TotalNonTaxableHardCost#] | Displays total nontaxable hard cost without taxes |
[#TotalTaxableHardCost#] | Displays total taxable hard cost without taxes |
[#TotalTaxOnTaxableSoftCost#] | Displays total tax on taxable soft cost items |
[#TotalNonTaxableSoftCost#] | Displays total of nontaxable soft cost without taxes |
[#TotalTaxableSoftCost#] | Displays total of taxable soft cost without taxes |
[#OverheadAmt#] | Overhead Amount |
[#LateFees#] | Late Fees |
[#Discount#] | Discount |
[#FinanceCharge#] | Finance Charges |
[#FinanceChargeItems#] |
Include a table with finance charge details for past due invoices which lists all invoices in a five column table with columns for:
[#InvoiceAmt#] | Invoice Amount before applied payment |
[#LastRcvdAmt#] | Sum of Payment(s) received after last invoice and applied to any open invoice(s) prior to the current invoice |
[#AppliedAmt#] | Payment received for the current invoice |
[#TotalInvoicePayments#] |
[#TotalAmountBilled#] | Total of all the invoices billed. Total Billed for life of Matter – sum total of all items billed to the client for the matter since it was opened. |
[#InvoiceBalance#] | The remaining balance of the current invoice after applied payment |
[#InvoiceBalanceIncReplenishAmt#] | The remaining balance of the current invoice after applied payment and including [#ReplenishAmt#] value. |
[#PreviousMatterBalance#] | Sum of previous invoice balances |
[#PreviousMatterBalance1#] | Sum of previous invoice balances excluding [#LastRcvdAmt#] amount. |
[#BalanceDue#] | Total balance due for matter as of invoice print/email date |
[#BalanceDue1#] | Balance due till the invoice date |
[#BalanceDueIncReplenishAmt#] | Total balance due including [#ReplenishAmt#] value |
[#ReplenishAmt#] | Replenishment amount required to bring matter’s trust balance to its minimum required value. |
[#RoundedReplenishAmt#] | Replenishment amount (rounded to next 100) required to bring matter’s trust balance to its minimum required value. |
[#InvoiceAmtIncReplenishAmt#] | Current invoice amount PLUS Replenishment amount (as of Invoice Printing Date). |
[#InvoiceAmtIncRoundedReplenishAmt#] | Current invoice amount PLUS rounded replenishment amount (as of Invoice Printing Date). |
[#InvoiceTotalConvertedAmount#] |
[#InvoiceBalanceConvertedAmount#] | Multiplies the [#BalanceDue#] by the [#InvoiceAmountMultiplier#] |
[#FundsRecdItems#] |
[#FundsRecdItems1#] |
[#FundsRecdItems2#] |
[#CurrentMonthItems#] |
[#TotalTrustDeposits#] |
Total deposits made in matter’s trust banks till date when you print an invoice. Total will include:
[#TotalTrustWithdrawals#] |
[#TrustLedger#] |
A table field which populates a 3-column Trust Ledger table to show previous balance as of last invoice date and all the activities that occurred between last invoice date and new invoice date with columns for:
[#TimeKeeperSummaryTable#] |
A table field which populates a 3-column “Summary of Legal Services” table and provides values as summary statistics for each timekeeper in the current invoice:
[#TimeKeeperSummaryTable1#] |
A table field which populates a 4 column “Summary of Legal Services” table and provides values as summary statistics for each timekeeper in the current invoice:
[#TimeKeeperSummaryTable2#] |
[#TimeKeeperSummaryTable3#] |
[#OpenInvoiceLog#] |
[#AllOpenInvoiceLog#] |
[#PriorInvoiceLog#] |
[#TotalInvoiceAmount#] |
[#TotalPaymentReceived#] |
[#TotalBalanceDue#] |
Hybrid Billing Fields
[#HybridProfSerItems#] |
[#HybridProfSerItems1#] |
[#HybridProfSerItems2#] |
[#HybridProfSerItems3#] |
[#HybridProfSerItems4#] |
[#HybridProfSerItems5#] |
[#HybridProfSerItems6#] |
[#HybridProfSerItems7#] | This field will include task/description for timecards linked to invoice in paragraph separated by semicolon (;) |
[#HybridProfSerItems8#] |
Split Billing Fields
Field Name | Description |
[#AddSplitMainItems#] | This field will include the split’s main matter number, client name, and main matter name |
[#MFeesTot#] | This field will include the total Fees |
[#MExpTot#] | This field will include the total Expenses |
[#MTotal#] | This field will include the total fees + expenses |
[#AddSplitSecondaryItems#] | This field will include the Split Matter’s number, client name, and current matter name |
[#SFeesTot#] | This field will include the total Fee split for the current matter |
[#SExpTot#] | This field will include the total Expense split for the current matter |
[#SExpTot#] | This field will include the total Fee and Expense split for current Matter |
Invoice Retainer Fields
Field Name | Description |
[#RetainerBalance#] | Total Retainer balance (Trust & Operating) |
[#MinRetainerBalance#] | Matter’s minimum required retainer value if set. |
[#MatterTrustBalance#] | Trust Only Retainer balance |
[#MatterTrustBalance-COA-2300#] | Trust COA 2300 Only Retainer balance |
[#MatterTrustBalance-COA-2310#] | Trust COA 2310 Only Retainer balance |
[#MatterOperatingBalance#] | Operating Only Retainer balance |
[#TrustBankBalanceTable#] | A summary table that lists all trust accounts linked to this matter that have balances. |
[#TrustBankBalanceTable1#] |
A summary table that lists all trust accounts linked to this matter, including those that have a ledger balance of 0.00 |
Invoice Tax Fields
Field Name | Description |
[#AddTaxableChargeItems#] | A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems#] (6 columns) but listing ONLY taxable expense items. |
[#AddTaxableChargeItems1#] | A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems1#] (5 columns) but listing ONLY taxable expense items. |
[#AddTaxableChargeItems2#] | A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems2#] (4 columns) but listing ONLY taxable expense items. |
[#AddTaxableChargeItems3#] | A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems3#] (3 columns) but listing ONLY taxable expense items. |
[#AddTaxableChargeItems4#] | A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems4#] (2 columns) but listing ONLY taxable expense items. |
[#AddTaxableChargeTotal#] | Total of taxable expense items included in variable [#AddTaxableChargeItems#] list. |
[#AddNonTaxableChargeItems#] | A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems#] (6 columns) but listing ONLY non-taxable expense items. |
[#AddNonTaxableChargeItems1#] | A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems#] (5 columns) but listing ONLY non-taxable expense items. |
[#AddNonTaxableChargeItems2#] | A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems#] (4 columns) but listing ONLY non-taxable expense items. |
[#AddNonTaxableChargeItems3#] | A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems#] (3 columns) but listing ONLY non-taxable expense items. |
[#AddNonTaxableChargeItems4#] | A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems#] (2 columns) but listing ONLY non-taxable expense items. |
[#AddNonTaxableChargeTotal#] | Total of non-taxable expense items included in [#AddNonTaxableChargeItems#] list. |
[#TotalTaxOnTaxableHardCost#] | Displays total tax on taxable hard cost items |
[#TotalTaxableHardCostWithTax#] | Displays total taxable hard cost with taxes |
[#TotalSoftCostWithTax#] | Displays total soft cost with taxes |
[#fee-tax1-amount#] | Total of Tax1 Amount on Fees Only |
[#fee-tax2-amount#] | Total of Tax2 Amount on Fees Only |
[#cost-tax1-amount#] | Total of Tax1 Amount on Costs Only |
[#cost-tax2-amount#] | Total of Tax2 Amount on Costs Only |
[#total-tax1-amount#] | Total of Tax1 Amount |
[#total-tax2-amount#] | Total of Tax2 Amount |
[#ServiceTaxTotal#] | Total of Taxes on Fees |
[#SalesTaxTotal#] | Total of Taxes on Costs/Disbursements |
[#TotalTaxAmount#] | Total Taxes |
[#total-hardcost-tax1-amount#] | Total of Tax1 Amount on Hard Costs Only |
[#total-hardcost-tax2-amount#] | Total of Tax2 Amount on Hard Costs Only |
[#total-hardcost-tax-amount#] | Total of Taxes on Hard Costs |
[#total-softcost-tax1-amount#] | Total of Tax1 Amount on Soft Costs Only |
[#total-softcost-tax2-amount#] | Total of Tax2 Amount on Soft Costs Only |
[#total-softcost-tax-amount#] | Total of Taxes on Soft Costs |
[#fee-tax1-rate#] | Tax1 % Rate on Fee |
[#fee-tax2-rate#] | Tax2 % Rate on Fee |
[#cost-tax1-rate#] | Tax1 % Rate on Cost |
[#cost-tax2-rate#] | Tax2 % Rate on Cost |
[#fee-tax1-label#] | Tax1 on Fee Title |
[#fee-tax2-label#] | Tax2 on Fee Title |
[#cost-tax1-label#] | Tax1 on Cost Title |
[#cost-tax2-label#] | Tax2 on Cost Title |
[#Tax1-ID-Number#] | Firm’s Tax1 ID Number |
[#Tax2-ID-Number#] | Firm’s Tax2 ID Number |
Canadian Additional Invoice Disbursement Fields
Field Name | Description |
[#cost-vendortax1-amount#] | Total of Tax1 Amount on Disbursements As Agent |
[#cost-vendortax2-amount#] | Total of Tax2 Amount on Disbursements As Agent |
[#cost-firmtax1-amount#] | Total of Tax1 Amount on Disbursements Excluding Disbursements as Agent |
[#cost-firmtax2-amount#] | Total of Tax2 Amount on Disbursements Excluding Disbursements as Agent |
Letter and Cover Page Fields
Field Name | Description |
[#ClientContact#] | Client contact name only |
[#BookKeeperName#] | Bookkeeper Name (Signature on cover page) |
[#BookKeeperTitle#] | Bookkeeper Title (Signature on cover page) |
[#BookKeeperPhone#] | Bookkeeper Phone (Signature on cover page) |
[#MinRetainerAmt#] | Matter – Minimum Required Retainer |
[#InvoiceReminderDate#] | Invoice Reminder Notice Date |
[#PaymentDate#] | Payment Requested By |
[#RetainerReminderDate#] | Retainer Reminder Notice Date |
[#ReplenishAmt#] | Replenishment Retainer Needed |
[#LateFees#] | Late Fees |
[#Discount#] | Discount |