If you require eBilling at your firm, first follow the steps to Setup eBilling. This includes the one-time firm setup as well as the matter-level setup.
Configuring LEDES1998B Format
- When you get to the matter configuration, choose LEDES1998B format.
- Enter your Client Issued Matter ID number. This is typically provided by the client requesting this format.
- Click Save.
Your time and expense cards will now contain fields for task, activity and expense codes.
When it comes time to bill, generate your invoices as usual, and then follow the steps to Generate eBills. This can be done individually or in a batch.
LEDES 1998B Output File
A LEDES export file is a .txt file that is readable by certain billing portals.
Sample LEDES1998B file ebills-0001-001-Cushman, D-Permission-2
Terms and Definitions
These are the terms and definitions for some fields included in the file.
Activity Code |