Delete a Hard Cost

Hard cost expenses bridge Billing and Accounting, so you must delete them from the Accounting section.

Delete a Hard Cost

Unbilled Status

To delete an unbilled expense:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Accounting.
  2. Atop the Accounting left navigation, click Bank
  3. In the Bank screen, double-click the bank account or single-click it to highlight it, then from the toolbar atop the screen, click Edit.
    The Edit Transaction screen opens. 
  4. Towards the lower half of the screen, you will see a list of entries associated with this transaction. Single click the entry to highlight it.
  5. From the tabs atop the section, click Delete
  6. Your entry will be deleted. You can delete the entire transaction which will delete the expense associated with it or delete a specific entry.
  7. The Accounting screen updates. The system removed the transaction and its linked hard cost expense from your bank account and matter.

Billed Status


You cannot edit or delete a billed expense card. You must first unlink the expense from its invoice and then follow the steps to delete an unbilled expense.

To unlink a billed expense:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
  2. In the Matters screen, either double-click the matter, or single click it to highlight it, then click Details.
  3. From the Matter Details left navigation, click Billing.
  4. From the tabs atop the Billing screen, click Invoice.
    The Invoice screen opens, displaying a toolbar atop the screen.
  5. Locate the invoice containing the expense card.
  6. Take the appropriate action:
    • Unlink single expense from the invoice:
      • Single-click the invoice.
      • From the toolbar, click Delete.
        The Delete Invoice message box reads: Are you sure you want to delete selected invoice? 
      • Click Yes.
        The Matter Details screen updates with the deletion.
    • Unlink Multiple Expenses:
      • Single-click the invoice.
      • From the toolbar, click Edit.
      • In the Edit Invoice screen, uncheck the boxes to the left of hard costs expenses you want to remove from the invoice. 
      • In the upper right corner, click Generate.
        The Matter Details screen updates with your edits.
      • Atop the screen, click Time/Expense.
        The Time/Expense screen opens. displaying a toolbar atop the screen and listing hard cost expenses associated with the matter.
      • Single-click the unbilled expense to highlight it.
      • Click Delete.
        The Delete Time/Expense message box reads: Are you sure you want to delete this card?
      • Click Yes.
        The Time/Expense screen updates to reflect the deletion.
  7. From the left navigation panel, click Accounting.
  8. Atop the Accounting left navigation, click Bank.
  9. In the Bank screen, double-click the bank account or single-click it to highlight it, then from the toolbar atop the screen, click Edit.
    The Transaction screen opens, listing all account transactions.
  10. Either double-click the transaction, or single-click it to highlight it, then from the toolbar, click Edit.
  11. On the Edit Transaction screen, scroll down to the list of expenses, check the box beside the expense you wish to unlink.
  12. From the tabs atop the section, click Delete.
  13. Click Save.
    The system returns you to the Transaction screen.
  14. Single-click the transaction again to highlight.
  15. From the toolbar, click Delete.

Also see Add, Unlink, or Delete a Matter from a Hard Cost

Updated on August 4, 2022

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