Billing Workflow From creating a matter to receiving payment for an invoice, understanding the billing wo…
Matter Cost Statement The Matter Cost Statement details all costs associated with a matter. This includes cost…
Set Up eBilling CosmoLex supports the industry-standard eBilling formats known as LEDES 1998B, LEDES 2…
Billing By Task Rate To bill by task rate, you set rates for tasks that are subsequently recorded on timecards.…
Matter Billing Log The matter billing log includes a matter’s fee and expense entries, over a specifi…
Set Up Recurring Billing for a Fixed Fee Matter If you allow a client to pay their matter’s fixed fee in installments, CosmoLex off…
Improve eBilling Accuracy Due to the large volume of UTBMS codes and the preferences of many audit houses/processor…
Integrate Chrometa with CosmoLex Chrometa is a passive time tracking tool which tracks time spent on websites, email, and o…
Post Time from Chrometa Chrometa seamlessly logs computer and smartphone activity for more accurate billing. C…
Delete, Void, or Edit a Multi-Matter Operating Transaction Sometimes you may need to delete, void, or edit an existing multi-matter hard cost operat…
How to Handle Split Billing Split Billing refers to splitting the activity or billed amounts between multiple parti…
Configure Billing Frequency You can customize billing frequency based on the unique demands of your firm and clients.…
Create a Timecard for Events, Emails, Notes, and Tasks For any events, notes, emails, or tasks, you can create a timecard directly from that acti…
Manage Split Billing Once you have enabled a matter for split billing and configured it to split the bill with ot…