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  5. Trust Ledger Transactions Report

Trust Ledger Transactions Report

The Trust Ledger Transactions Report shows all of the transactions for selected ledger card(s).

To access the report, go to Reports > Trust > Trust Ledger Transactions

Report Filters:

  • Matter Owner: Choose all matter owners or a specific matter owner
  • Sort By: You can sort by Client Name, Client ID, Matter Owner, Matter, Matter File Number, or Sub Account Number
  • Date Range: The date range options you have are All Dates, Last Month, Last Year, This Month, and This Year
  • Client-Matter: Check this box to choose all client-matters. To choose a specific matter, uncheck box and type in the client matter name. You can choose to view active matters only by checking the box. To choose inactive matters, uncheck the box.

Report Print Options

  • Print Bank: Check this box to print bank on report
  • Print Ledger Card Notes: Check this box to include matter notes added in the Advanced Settings of the matter under General tab > Notes
  • Apply page break between items: Check this box to apply page breaks between items


Click View to preview the report or to download, select the preferred format (Excel/pdf) and click Download.

Learn more about generating reports.

Sample Report 

Updated on March 7, 2023

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