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Set Up Email Integration and Permissions

You can forward your firm’s emails to CosmoLex for easy reference and for tagging to individual matters.

Within the CosmoLex inbox, you can also bill time spent on email activity. 


To use the email integration feature:

  • You must be a CosmoLex user
  • Your email address must match your user account

User Permissions

If your firm has multiple registered users, all non-admin users will only have access to:

  • Their incoming emails
  • Emails linked to matters

Your firm’s CosmoLex Administrator can view all emails.

Configure Email Integration


If you lack access to the Setup section, ask your firm’s CosmoLex Administrator for assistance.

To enable email integration:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Setup.
  2. From the Setup left navigation, click Firm Settings.
  3. From the tabs atop the Firm Settings screen, click Firm Preferences.
  4. On the Firm Preferences screen, scroll down to the Email Forwarding section.
  5. To the far right of the Email Forwarding section heading, take the appropriate action:
    • Green ON button: proceed to step 6.
    • Gray OFF button:
      1. Click the OFF button.
        The button turns green and reads ON.
  6. Identify your Forwarding Address within CosmoLex as shown below. This mailbox is unique to your firm. Registered users must use this forwarding address.  


  1. To the right of the email address, click the copy icon.
  2. Paste the forwarding address into your email’s forwarding rule.

To manually forward select emails rather than all emails, paste the forwarding address into your Gmail, Outlook, or Office 365 email’s Bcc field.

Manage a Role’s Email Permissions

To add or edit a role’s email permissions:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Account.
  2. From the Account left navigation, click User Management.
  3. From the tabs atop the User Management screen, click Role.
  4. From the Role screen, take the appropriate action:
    • Add Role
      1. From the toolbar, click Add.
      2. On the Add Role screen, in the Role Name field, enter a role name.
      3. In the Role Description field, enter a role description, if desired.
      4. In the Permissions section, use the Copy permissions from an existing role to do so, if desired.
      5. Check or uncheck the permissions applicable to the role, including the Email permissions, as desired.
      6. In the lower right corner, click Save.
    • Edit Role
      1. Double-click the field, or single-click it, then from the toolbar, click Edit.
      2. On the Edit Role screen, in the Permissions section, use the Copy permissions from an existing role to do so, if desired.
      3. Scroll to the bottom and check or uncheck the role’s Email permissions, as desired.
      4. In the lower right corner, click Save

Add/Update Email Address and Visibility Restrictions

To verify or change your email address for integration:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Account.
  2. From the Account left navigation, click User Management.
  3. From the tabs atop the User Management screen, click User.
  4.  On the User screen, in the Email Address column, confirm your email address.
  5. Take the appropriate action:
    • Add User
      1. Click Add.
      2. Complete the required fields and modify the restriction settings as needed.
      3. Click Save.
    • Edit User
      1. Either double-click the user row, or single-click it, then from the toolbar, click Edit.
      2. On the Edit User screen, edit the required fields and modify the restriction settings as needed.
      3. Click Save.

Manually Forward Emails

Prefer to decide which emails to forward on a per email basis? Paste the forwarding address into your email’s Bcc field.

Automatically Forward Emails

To automatically forward all emails, follow the relevant instructions below, then test incoming and outgoing emails to confirm proper function.

Updated on April 5, 2022

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