Manage a Matter’s Custom Fields and Pages

Once you create custom fields and pages for your matters, you can add or remove them at any time. 

Add or Remove Custom Fields and Pages

To add or remove a matter’s custom fields and pages:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
  2. On the Matters screen, single-click the matter to highlight it.
  3. In the toolbar, click Action > Matter Custom Fields.


    You can also access Custom Fields from Matter Details.

  4. In the upper right corner of the Custom Fields screen, click the Gear icon.
  5. From the drop-down, click Manage Pages or Manage Fields, as applicable.
  6. Take your preferred action to make your changes:
    • Add or Remove Fields
      1. Drag and drop fields from Available Fields to Selected Ordered Fields, or vice versa, as needed. Alternatively, you can single-click fields to highlight them, then use the right or left arrows to switch their columns.
      2. Click Save.
        The Custom Fields screen updates with your changes.
    • Add or Remove Pages
      1. Drag and drop fields from Available Pages to Selected Ordered Pages, or vice versa, as needed. Alternatively, you can single-click pages to highlight them, then use the right or left arrows to switch their columns.
      2. Click Save.
        The Custom Fields screen updates with your changes.
  7. Click Close
Updated on November 16, 2022

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