What’s New
Invoice Download Confirmation in CosmoLex 6.9
In the last week, CosmoLex version 6.9 was released and introduced multiple enhancements to CosmoLex invoices including Invoice Download Confirmation, as well as field label changes, and a new invoice table.
Read the complete CosmoLex 6.9 Release Notes now!
User Tips & Tricks
Check Out Our Knowledge Base Improvements
You may have already started to notice some changes and improvements over at the CosmoLex Knowledge Base over the last few weeks. Our new Technical Content Specialist, Al Boyle, has been hard at work. One recent area of concentration has been the Invoice Section in the Billing Area. Many articles have been streamlined and updated hoping to bring a greater ease in using.
Also of note is the new Billing Workflow Article that really walks you through the billing cycle to ensure a smooth and efficient billing process.
CosmoLex User Resources
CARES Act, PPP Loan Webinar
Recently, CosmoLex hosted a live, educational webinar with our accounting partners over at Neovision Consulting. The presentation titled, What Every Law Firm Needs to Know: CARES Act, PPP-SBA Loans, and Recovering After COVID-19, reviewed the details of the recent CARES Act and the resources that may be available to your (USA-based) law firm during this difficult time.
You may watch an on-demand version of this presentation here.
CosmoLex Corner
Employee Spotlight – CosmoLex Parents!
What is the craziest thing your child/ren has done while you were working?
“My youngest (age 12) flooded the toilet in the downstairs bathroom which overflowed into the recently finished basement onto the new couch, rug, and furniture. Needless to say it was a mess.”
– Joji, Data Migration Manager
“A couple of times showed up behind me while I was on a video call. And she (age 8) would then crawl down on the floor so that she is not spotted on the camera. It was my fault both times because I am supposed to inform her if my camera is on and she is in the study area with me.”
– Dhaval, CLI Head
What is the craziest thing you had to “promise” your child/ren to get them to stay quiet during a meeting?
“That we’d go to a public place…crazy right?!”
– Joyce, Sales Manager
“I do not negotiate with terrorists.”
– Ken, Senior DevOps Engineer
How do you maintain work/home balance when you are working from home?
“When my computer is closed, it is closed. I try not to open it, unless it is an emergency.”
– Laurie, Director of Client Relations
What tips do you have for other parents who are navigating work from home?
“Do what you have to do, design your new normal! A lot of people are also parents and all of us have been forced into this crazy situation, so there is a shared understanding of all the things that can happen when working from home while parenting.”
– Corina, Data Migration Specialist
Read more about our team’s parenting experiences since we’ve been working from home
Schedule a Free consultation with the data migration team to go over your options. On the call, we will discuss the source of your Non-Financial and Financial data; we will discuss the migration process and timeline as it relates to your specific law firm; will give you options for data migration and explain the DIY and the Turn Key Migration, and also provide you with additional resources that can help make the transition easier to CL in addition to our Technical Support Team.
Our primary goal is to get as much of your data over to CosmoLex as clean and complete as possible so that you can fully utilize and take advantage of all the functionalities in CosmoLex.
To schedule your free Migration Consultation, please contact your Account Manager or email care@cosmolex.com.
Other Resources
Legal Accounting Guide eBook
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LexLeader Loyalty Program
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