Update a User’s Email Address

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You can change the email address associated with your account. CosmoLex sends notifications you choose to receive to your email address. 

Be sure not to change your Login ID in error. In CosmoLex, your Login ID (username) is usually your email address. You can let that remain or change it to a preferred Login ID.

Update a User’s Email Address

To update a user’s email address:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Account.
  2. Atop the Account left navigation, click User Management.
  3. From the tabs atop the User Management screen, click User.
  4. From the list of account users, single-click the user to highlight their row. 
  5. From the toolbar, click Edit.
  6. On the Edit User screen, in the Email field, edit or overwrite the email address. 
  7. In the lower right corner, click Save.
    The system updates the user’s email address.

This change only updates your user account email. To update the address from which you communicate with clients, navigate to Setup > Firm Settings > Firm Information. For additional information, see Setup Email Integration and Permissions.

Updated on April 8, 2022

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