Install the Outlook Add-In

Our Microsoft Outlook Add-In allows you to tag your emails to your matters from Outlook’s desktop and web applications.


For the Add-In to function, you must:

  • Enable cookies. Incognito or private browsing will not function with the Add-In. 
  • Create Office 365 and Microsoft Exchange accounts.
  • Activate email forwarding within CosmoLex. If your emails already auto-forward to CosmoLex, deactivating the auto-forwarding only within Outlook will allow you to auto-forward and tag only those emails you want to archive in CosmoLex.  
  • Not use Internet Explorer 11 as it is not compatible.


To optimize the add-in, enable the Reading Pane in Outlook. Click here to learn about the Reading Pane.

Outlook (Desktop)

To install the Add-In for your desktop Outlook app:

  1. From the toolbar of your Outlook screen, click All Apps.

    If you’re using an earlier version of Outlook, you’ll see the Get Add-ins button instead.

  2. Depending on your Outlook version or account type, select Add Apps or Get Add-ins.
  3. The dialog that appears varies depending on whether you had the Add Apps or Get Add-ins option available to you.
  4. If you selected Get Add-Ins, the Add-Ins screen opens.


  5. In the upper right corner’s search box, enter CosmoLex.
  6. From the drop-down, click CosmoLex.
  7. Toward the upper left corner of the plugin’s page, click Add
    Outlook installs the Add-In and adds an icon to your toolbar.


Outlook/Office App (Web)

To install the Add-In for your Outlook/Office 365 app:

  1. When in Outlook, from the navigation bar select More Apps > Add apps.
  2. In the Apps search bar, enter CosmoLex.
    The CosmoLex App will display to the right.
  3. Select CosmoLex and click on Add.

Customize Actions to Add CosmoLex 

  1. Once you have installed the CosmoLex App, from the action bar of any message, click on the three dots.
  2. From the list that displays, click Customize Actions.
  3. On the Customize reading pane actions window, check the box beside CosmoLex and click Save.
  4. CosmoLex is now added to your More Actions menu. 

To add an email to a matter and track time, see Using the Outlook Add-In.

Updated on May 29, 2024

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