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  6. Automatically Rename Imported Bank Transactions (Mapping Rules)

Automatically Rename Imported Bank Transactions (Mapping Rules)

You can create mapping rules to automatically rename payees and memorize accounts when importing bank statement transactions or receiving them through the bank feed.

Mapping rules are automatically created and activated as you import a statement or receive a bank feed, but you can also manually add, edit, or delete a mapping rule as needed. 


Mapping rules apply across the account type. For example, adding, editing, or deleting a mapping rule for one operating account applies the rule to all operating accounts.

View Mapping Rules

You can view mapping rules from three locations:

Bank screen
Bank Statement Import screen
Bank Feed

Mapping View Screen Field Definitions

Active (first unlabeled column)
  • A check mark in this field indicates the mapping rule is in effect.
  • You can edit the rule mapping to uncheck the Active box and deactivate the rule.
Rule Type
  • Mapping means the rule has been used to map previous transactions and will be used again when your firm imports more transactions of this type.
  • Exclusion means the rule blocks a certain statement payee name from automatically becoming a mapping rule. 
Statement Payee Name
  • Payee Name on imported statement
Payee Name
  • Payee Name to use once your firm imports the transaction
  • User can edit before adding the transaction from the import file or feed
Matching Rule
  • Equals To means the
  • Statement Payee Name and Payee Name are an exact match.
  • Contains means the Statement Payee Name and Payee Name contain similar information.
  • Starts With means the
  • Statement Payee Name begins with the same information as the Payee Name.

Add a Mapping Rule

To add a mapping rule:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Accounting.
    The Accounting screen opens, displaying a gray left navigation.
  2. From the Accounting left navigation, click Bank.
    The Bank screen opens, listing your banks and displaying a toolbar atop the screen.
  3. Single-click the bank to highlight it, and then from the toolbar, click Action > Mapping Rules.
    The Mapping Views screen opens, displaying a toolbar atop the mapping rules listing.
  4. From the toolbar, click Add.
    The Add Mapping screen opens.
  5. In the Rule Type section, click the Mapping or Exclusion radio button as desired.


    If you click Exclusion, you must only complete steps 7 & 9.

  6. From the Mapping Rule field’s drop down, click Contains, Equals To or Starts With as desired.
  7. In the Statement Payee field, enter the payee name as it appears on the imported statement or bank feed.
  8. In the Payee field, enter the payee name as you want it to appear on your reconciliation statements.
  9. In the lower right corner, click Save.
    The system adds the mapping rule to the listing.

Edit a Mapping Rule

To edit a mapping rule:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Accounting.
    The Accounting screen opens, displaying a gray left navigation.
  2. From the Accounting left navigation, click Bank.
    The Bank screen opens, listing your banks and displaying a toolbar atop the screen.
  3. Single-click the bank to highlight it, and then from the toolbar, click Action > Mapping Rules.
    The Mapping Views screen opens, displaying a toolbar atop the mapping rules listing.
  4. Double-click the mapping rule, or single-click it to highlight it, and then from the toolbar, click Edit.
    The Edit Mapping screen opens.
  5. Make your edits.
  6. In the lower right corner, click Save.
    The system saves your mapping rule updates.

Delete a Mapping Rule

To delete a mapping rule:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Accounting.
    The Accounting screen opens, displaying a gray left navigation.
  2. From the Accounting left navigation, click Bank.
    The Bank screen opens, listing your banks and displaying a toolbar atop the screen.
  3. Single-click the bank to highlight it, and then from the toolbar, click Action > Mapping Rules.
    The Mapping Views screen opens, displaying a toolbar atop the mapping rules listing.
  4. Single-click the mapping rule to highlight it, and then from the toolbar, click Delete.
    The Delete Mapping message reads: Are you sure you want to delete this mapping item?
  5. Click Yes.
    The system deletes the mapping rule.

Deactivate a Mapping Rule

To deactivate a mapping rule:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Accounting.
    The Accounting screen opens, displaying a gray left navigation.
  2. From the Accounting left navigation, click Bank.
    The Bank screen opens, listing your banks and displaying a toolbar atop the screen.
  3. Single-click the bank to highlight it, and then from the toolbar, click Action > Mapping Rules.
    The Mapping Views screen opens, displaying a toolbar atop the mapping rules listing.
  4. Single-click the mapping rule to highlight it, and then from the toolbar, click Edit.
    The Edit Mapping screen opens.
  5. Toward the lower left corner, uncheck the Active checkbox.
  6. In the lower right corner, click Save.
    The system deactivates the mapping rule.
Updated on January 7, 2021

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