Law Offices of Pavlik & Almonte

1313 Mocking Bird Lane

Los Angeles, CA 90001

Phone: 888-432-1529

Fax: 888-432-1529



Invoice No.[#InvoiceNum#]

Due Date. [#DueDate#]



Bill To 

      Case Details









Invoice #: [#InvoiceNum#]

Matter: [#Matter#]

File #: [#MatterFileNum#]

Due Date: [#DueDate#]





Payments received after [#PrintDate#] are not reflected in this statement.



Professional Services
Date   Details Hours Rate Amount
For professional services rendered [#HrsTotal#]   [#ProfChargeTotal#]
Service Tax     [#ServiceTaxTotal#]



Additional Charges
Date   Details Quantity Rate Amount
Total additional charges     [#AddChargeTotal#]
Sales Tax     [#SalesTaxTotal#]



  Late Fees [#LateFees#]
    Discount [#Discount#]
    Overhead Amount [#OverheadAmt#]
      Finance Charges [#FinanceCharge#]
        Total Tax [#TotalTaxAmount#]
Invoice Amount [#InvoiceAmt#]
  Payment Received [#AppliedAmt#]
    Remaining Balance [#InvoiceBalance#]
      Previous Invoices Balance [#PreviousMatterBalance#]
        Balance Due [#BalanceDue#]
  Retainer Balance (as of [#PrintDate#]) [#RetainerBalance#]



Transactions since last invoice
Date Ref# Account Payee Deposit Withdrawal