New CosmoLex Features (August 1, 2017)

Release No: 4.9.5

Release Date: August 01. 2017


Comprehensive Support for Goods & Service Taxes
  • Availability of additional tax rates for states/provinces where two separate taxes are levied.

  • Ability to custom title tax types such as GST, HST, PST, QST etc.

  • Ability to override tax rates at Matter Level and then individual Time/Expense Cards thus providing full flexibility.

  • Ability to set Matter’s Default Tax Status globally thus preventing need to set tax status for each Matter.

  • Ability to track Vendor Tax Payments on disbursements and keeping those distinct from firm collected taxes.

  • Specific chart of account settings to specify Vendor Tax Accounts.

  • Specific chart of account settings to specify Firm Collected Tax Accounts.

  • Automatic allocations of vendor taxes and firm collected taxes during partial or full invoice payments.

  • Disbursements (Hard Costs) are now non-taxable as default even for taxable matters. Note – Vendor charged taxes can still be applied. Firm can still make expense card taxable manually.

  • Firm can specify firm’s sales tax ID numbers and these variables are available on Invoice Customizations.

  • Availability of several new tax related fields to show tax breakdowns on invoices for end-user’s input tax credits.

  • A new setting to warn for missing sales taxes paid while entering office expenses, thus capturing taxes paid more accurately.

Comprehensive Support for Canada Provinces Specific GST Tracking

User can now simply select their province and program sets all required settings automatically.  For example, program will set tax rates, accrual accounting, taxability settings, chart of accounts settings for cost, vendor taxes, firm collected taxes etc. automatically.


  • Bulk invoice generation now applies Overhead based on individual matter’s overhead setting. Overhead amounts being applied are displayed in the grid prior to invoices are generated for easier identification.
  • New Invoice Variables showing Client Funds in Operating Accounts as well as sub-accounts of Trust Accounts.

  • New filtering capability in the Deposit slip account to filter Check deposits only.

  • New filtering capability to search taxable only matters.

  • Fixed an issue in the Account Payable Bills Transaction. Previously, user were unable to reprint the checks once paid as “To print” flag was always disabled.